The Aulson Company, Inc. is Licensed, Bonded, Insured and Safety Compliant with an excellent reputation.
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The Aulson Company has earned an outstanding record of success with comprehensive, cost-effective demolition services. Dismantling and demolition are often performed in conjunction with Aulson’s specialty environmental services including removal of asbestos, lead paint, and contaminated soils. Aulson’s use of a cross-trained work force, allows for a single turnkey resource for the performance of selective demolition, dismantling and abatement. This is the Aulson Advantage.
The Aulson Company has earned an outstanding record of success with comprehensive, cost-effective demolition services. Dismantling and demolition are often performed in conjunction with Aulson’s specialty environmental services including removal of asbestos, lead paint, and contaminated soils. Aulson’s use of a cross-trained work force, allows for a single turnkey resource for the performance of selective demolition, dismantling and abatement. This is the Aulson Advantage.
The Aulson Company is a leader in the performance of UHP Water Jetting and Hydrodemolition services throughout the Northeast, and has worked to innovate and expand the viable uses of Hydrodemolition in the preservation of reinforced concrete structures. Through the use of Hydrodemolition Aulson effectively removes unsound concrete from scheduled repair areas without causing damage to reinforcement or sound concrete, while additionally ensuring the elimination of micro-fracturing that is caused by impact tools typically utilized in demolition. Surface prepared via Hydrodemolition leave a clean, intact, sound, angular surface with exposed aggregate and clean steel reinforcement; ideal for material put-back. Hydrodemoltion is capable of removing unsound concrete clear of existing reinforcement ensuring proper clearance and allowing for proper material placement.
The Aulson Company has long served New England as a Pioneer in Lead Abatement Contracting. So, DON’T GO IT ALONE. Aulson has the benefit of proven experience, removing, treating and handling lead in Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Educational, and Government settings. Many Aulson personnel even participated in some of the very first lead abatement pilot projects in the entire Country. As a Contractor in the North East and throughout New England, encountering the presence of Lead in Coatings is very common. Aulson employs lead safe renovators, Class I Lead Workers, RRP trained supervisors and competent persons in the removal of lead containing coatings. Lead is a Public Health Risk and it is critical to adhere to the guidelines and regulations established by regulatory agencies such as EPA, OSHA, DOT, HUD, DOH, & DLS.
The Aulson Company self-performs asbestos abatement as one of our major service lines. We continue to provide effective asbestos abatement through meticulous and efficient preparation and execution with our trained personnel. Our personnel are experienced in a wide variety of abatement applications, and are licensed and trained in all applicable environmental, health and safety regulations. Depending on how and where asbestos was applied, it might not pose any risk to users of the building. However, many uses of asbestos can possibly pose hazards to Construction and maintenance personnel or building occupants during scheduled maintenance, construction and renovation projects. Through the use of a cross-trained work force Aulson is able to combined the strengths of our many service lines and provide a single turnkey resource for hazardous materials abatement and associated tasks such as Demolition. This is the Aulson Advantage.
As one of Aulson’s many Environmental Services, PCB Abatement and Remediation has long been included with our Turnkey Industrial and Environmental Specialty Contracting Services. PCB’s are an Oil based Regulated Hazardous Material, and were used in various building materials. PCB’s can be found in Electrical Transformers, Sealants, Caulking, Waterproofing, and Coatings. Due to PCB’s oil based composition, they are known to leach into porous substrates such as concrete, block and brick masonry veneer. PCB’s continue to be a hot environmental issue.
The Aulson Company has performed a large range of microbial remediation projects throughout New England. Clean-up projects have been preformed in many of the Hospitals in and around Boston, as well as buildings, elevator shafts and hotels down to smaller residential projects. Working as a sub-contractor or direct to the owner on a project, you can count on Aulson to help with your next project. Whether you need help figuring out a complicated remediation situation, value engineering a project or just need someone with the horsepower to get it done, we will be there with you throughout the process. Aulson’s experience with modified access, superior knowledge of creating negative pressure containments with critical barriers are just a few of the reasons why Aulson is the perfect choice for your next microbial remediation project. Call us today to Disinfect, Sanitize, Clean or De-odorize for you.